Friday, July 23, 2010

Hlangcueih Rhoek Kah (Theology) A yakmingna

Diklai dongkah Hlangcueih rhoek loh Pathencueihna ben a yakmingna uh dan

Pathen cueihna phoei-ah lumlaa ben he a sangkoek hinyahna Hmuen ah ka paeek. “Next to theology I give music the highest place of honor.”
Martin Luther

Pathen cueihna loh a theenna ng’ laksanwng tih, a thae tah a toel tihe ka tangna pawh. “I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.”
Albert Einstein

Pa Minrhai tah cim tih, bawkna loh thaekhana la om. “God is sacred. Religion is profane.”
Rain Bojangles

Pathencuiehna loh mebang bomna ng’ pae thai pawh; Im hmui kui la Khoyin vaengah minboei a muem tlam dae om pawh tibanghui la om, Pathen ben aka cueih rhoek loh amahmih neh amahmih a yoekkna uhthae mai ni. “Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything.”
Robert A. Heinlein

Hlang pakhat kah Pathencueihna te hlang tloe patoeng ham nueih ngakna la om. “One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.”
Robert A. Heinlein

Pathencueihna cangna loh Krica bawkim a pai sak dae, Pathen cueihna cang he a hong a hi ni, Pathen cueihna he bangdong ah khaw a yung pael pawh; Mebang nawl nen khaw tong uh pawh; A kawng a lam khaw om pawh; a taktang lam khaw tueng sak pawh; A bawtna khaw ming sak pawh. “The study of theology, as it stands in the Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authority; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion”
Thomas Paine

Aka theenkoek Pathencueihna loh bang khaw pai puei pawh; Amah neh amah ni ka pai. “The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself”
Karl Barth

Note: Matu Ol la "theology" he kamahkah yakming na la "Pathencueihna or Paminrhaicueihna" tila ka tael tepawtah Pathen Olcueih cangna ti thai bal (Study of God). "Theology" he English ol taktak pawt tih hlang ol lam kalong patoeng a suen ollung la om. A thuingaihna tah Pathen Ol, Kri phung, Krica kah bawkna ben, neh olpuei la Bible Ol cangna, yakmingna, thuicaihna, paehtlaihna te a thuingaihna la om. Phoeibalah Pathen kah cueihna ti thai la om tih, oengna ben, mueihla hingna ben, Kri phung kah bawkna ben, neh Kri phung kah sai hamkoi, hingna hamkoi boeiboeih te a thuingaihna la om. Greek hlaang phun, hlaangcueih rhoek kah a yakming, a thut uh tangtae te a toi la yakming lasih. "Theo" calung he Greek calung (θεός) longah ha phoe tih, Matu ol lam tah Khoni, Minrhai, neh Sathui tila yakming ham koi la om. Yaakming aka yoikoek lam koi nih "Pathen" tila om. "Pathen" ollung hetah Hakha ol la om tih Matu ol lam khaw thuicaih vaengah aka koih khaw a koihna van. Hakha rhoek loh "Pathen" tetla a thui te tahaedue Matu rhoek loh Matu ol la kho a sen hno la a om vaengah tah yakming aka theen, thui hamla aka yoi neh tael aka yoi bang la om coeng. Pathen tila ng' kaa long khaw a naem coeng tih, thuiphai, tael phai ahkhaw aka yoi bangla om. Tete Hakha ol "Pathen" tiloh Matu ol "Pathen" ollung tila aka om te khup a dah tih tueng voel mueh la Matu ol a om van yavaat ah Matu ol te hnona thai mueh la om tih ng' yakmingna khaw atloe la vik yakming tholh la omkoi nih cubu tael vaengah long akana ben la om tih, ng' ol khaw a soepna hamla patoeng patoeng rhoeng la om ni.