Saturday, September 6, 2008

Accepting the Role of Being an Example

Subject: MM 352

Professors: Mr. Jimmy M. Laquian

Student: Sein Thein

Reading Assignments: Keys to becoming an effective worship leader by Tom Kraeuter

Date: August 29th, 2008

Chapter Nine

Accepting the Role of Being an Example

When we are in the ministry and leading congregation, we need to have responsibility of being an example for others to follow. We need to show our example before the people first People have a need to be taught, not only by our words but just as much by our actions. As “don’t do as I do, do as I say” this is wrong conception of the leader. It is not a good leader. We have to do first as a good action, good performer. This is truer for the worship leader. Regardless of where you are or what you are doing, people observe you to see what a worshiping Christian is really like. Wherever you find yourself people will observe your action. King David apparently understood this idea when he demonstrated his worship of God in front of Israel. So, we must live it. and we must live it to the extent that others can look at us and see what worshippers are really like. We need to live as example of Jesus Christ.

Chapter Ten

Cultivating the Gifts God has Put within you

The Word of God mentions about the gifts of the people. God gives a gift to the People for His Kingdom. We have to know our gifts from God such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, the effecting of miracles, prophecy, distinguishing of spirits, various kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongue. We have each given at least one gift. The Lord gives us gifts and then expects us to learn to learn to use them to their fullest potential. In cultivating the gifts God has placed within you, do not neglect prayer. Faithful prayers have the ability to do far more than all of the other work we can do. In practical terms, we need to use and work at the gifts he has bestowed on us as leaders of worship. Therefore, If we have musical gifts, we continued to cultivate them and learn more. We have to practice our instrument on regular.

Chapter Eleven

Keeping Priorities Straight

The author described three main facts of priorities. They are (a) knowing Him and cultivating that relationship, (b) loving, spending time with and caring for my family and (c) laboring in the ministry which he sets before me. I agree at the said. We need to be priority these three facts. God is first, our family, brother, sister and cousin is second. The third is the ministry. Therefore, work to determine, understand, and implement Biblical priorities in our own life and ministry. With these in place, we will find ourselves directed more by God and His will for you and us, rather by the pleas of countless people and legitimate needs for your times.

Chapter Twelve

Using and/or Cultivating Administrative Abilities

Administration is very necessary for the Church, biblical institute, the Children’s ministry and others. If we want to cultivate seed on the church, we ought to have abilities. Overall, however, organizational and administration have taken a back seat to nearly every other priority. Musical leaders usually are enlisted for their artsy, musical, creative abilities not for their organization and administration repulsive. The two characteristics need not be mutually exclusive. It is possible to be a creative artist and to have administrative and organizational abilities. Certainly most people find one of these extremes easier to lean toward than the other, but either ability can be learned to a high degree of proficiency. Without developing your administrative abilities we will never fully become the worship leader God wants us to be.

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