Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BI Book Review # 4

Book Title: The Origins of the BIBLE
By Theodore Gerald Soares

About the Author: He was writing several book. He was a professor of the ethic in California Institute of technology Minister, the Neighborhood Church, Passadena.

The Contents

(1) The beginning of the Bible
(2) Early evidence
(3) Old Testament Law
(4) The stories of the past
(5) Introduction to the Old Testament
(6) Introduction to the New testament

The Book all about

This book presented us time, place, proper and more information about how the Bible came and begin to the people. The author have a consideration that a number of would be similar to interpret a single constant appearance of what may be described as a modern view of the process by which the Bible came to be. Actually, it is hard to say where did the Bible is beginning. Because the Bible is the oldest books. With some such stories of the past the folk-lore of the nomads of the desert the Bible had its beginning.

Myth is primitive philosophy, it is the simple picturesque method employed by early man to explain the mysterious world in which he lives. To many, the origin of the Bible can be summed-up as follows: "A simple translation of a translation of an interpretation of an oral tradition" - and therefore, a book with no credibility or connection to the original texts. Actually, the foregoing statement is a common misunderstanding of both Christians and non-christians similar. Translations such as the King James Version are derived from existing copies of ancient manuscripts such as the Hebrew Masoretic Text (Old Testament) and the Greek Textus Receptus (New Testament), and are not translations of texts translated from other interpretations.

Another challenge against the origin of the Bible is the reliability of the manuscripts from which today's Bibles are translated. Remarkably, there is widespread evidence for absolute reliability. There are more than 14,000 existing Old Testament manuscripts and fragments copied throughout the Middle East, Mediterranean and European regions that agree dramatically with each other. In addition, these texts agree with the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, which was translated from Hebrew to Greek some time during the 3rd century BC. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in Israel in the 1940's and 50's, also provide phenomenal evidence for the reliability of the ancient transmission of the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) before the arrival of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew scribes who copied the Jewish Scriptures dedicated their lives to preserving the accuracy of the holy books. These scribes went to phenomenal lengths to insure manuscript reliability. They were highly trained and meticulously observed, counting every letter, word and paragraph against master scrolls. A single error would require the immediate destruction of the entire text.

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