Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Seminar Question 11

1. What is the difference between intended meaning and literal meaning?

According to my inspection the Bible is not just a simple or plain book. It is not in actual fact history, story, novel, and tale of the creature. It is not human philosophy. The Bible is not human literature, Journalism. The Bible is the existence life and the death of human being. It is God’s Word. It is God’s Revelation. It is inspired by God. So, what the Bible tells and points out all about is extraordinarily diverse from human thinking. The meaning of the Word is exceedingly bottomless and far above the ground. Because the Bible is a speech of God. Sometimes we cannot understand what it means. The problem maker is the human thinking. We cannot take out and interpret exactly the meaning of the word in the Bible. Some people take literally. It may acquire more than a few statement to clarify the meaning of the Bible.

The literal theory is the common description in support of the principle of one level of meaning. The term literal is over and over again get the wrong idea. It is hard to explain and apply the meaning of the Word. I have no idea we cannot take literally a vision of the book of Revelation. Because the book of Revelation talks about the future thing or the last thing. We can see the symbolic numbers in Revelation. None of the interpreter can grasp to a literal interpretation of every word. Many Scholars refer to what the author intends to say. To understand the intended meaning of the author, the interpreter must understand his symbolism. The trouble is additional not easy when the interpreter endeavors to decide whether a thousand-year reign on earth is meant to be symbolical or not.

So, literal meaning is hard to decide correctly. Because the Bible is human being thinking.

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